Friday, December 10, 2010

An Introduction to yourself.

''The world we have created is a product of our thinking; it cannot be changed without changing our thinking''. ~Albert Einstein
You are god.

   I have seen one kind gesture re-shape a mans entire world. His perceptions, his understandings, his prejudices. It was a transformation, it stole my gaze and rooted me to the ground. It was honestly exhilarating, watching the two people influence each other. I watched him expect cruelty and find only sincerity. I loved you in that moment, as much as I've loved anything. You weren't waiting for heaven, you were creating it.
So this is to you, stranger.
   My first blog is for you. For the moments you embrace yourself as a god and influence the world so obviously. You are not godlike, you are god, my god. Writing this is my act of worship, evidence of your influence and power. I only hope my moments as a god changed worlds the way all of yours have.



  1. Welcome to the blogger world :D

  2. Thanks, i'm looking forward to reading and writing more.

  3. Wow, this is very different to what I usually read. I hope it will stay interesting :)

  4. This has some very interesting depth to it. I enjoy it. Keep up the good work man.

  5. good quote, love it. keep it up!

  6. I didn't know I was god! followed

  7. I am God?...pleased to meet me..always wanted to meet myself. hehe nice post.

  8. Yes! I can't wait to see what you've got next. Followed.

  9. wait what? I'm god? :D nice article

  10. hah i like the way you write, keep it up!

  11. the power of positive affirmations, no?

  12. lol no, im not God im jellybro. interesting post nonetheless, following.
